You are the one I need

A time ago
I crawled underneath
You just came and bloomed my cheek
Ohh now I carry that blush
It’s coz of you 
Baby now you are a need to me


A moon I saw 
Shared same sky as thee 
Stars above and one in front of me 
Ohh baby you are the one indeed

A morning I remember 
The sun was fleek
My arms got trembling 
And the environment got chilly with the breeze 
Ohh baby it was your voice 
That came as the warmth I need 
It was something I surely feed 
Baby you are the one for me indeed.

Broken strings 
All apart 
You just came and blow my heart 
Now I sing and mum all the way 
The grasses dances with me right away
All I want is to be your need 
Ohh my love you are being my weed

Come along 
Take my hand 
Two roads to travel 
I whisper along 
You and me 
Can become we 
Ohh my beloved I know you are the one for me

Time just flee 
And I’m here 
On an Isle 
Take me with you for that’s just i want

Pull me closer and hold me tight 
Let your grip go along me

Ohh here you know I don’t go on knees 
But here I please 
Oh my love 
It’s a feel 
That you are the one I always need.

Simran kewlani